Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why have my baby teeth not fallen out yet?

I have 2 adult canine teeth still waiting to come out and alas my baby teeth are too stubborn to leave. (upper teeth)

Why have my baby teeth not fallen out yet?
They may never come out... LEAVE THEM.. until a dentist has reviewed your case.

Some people will never lose them, due to there is no %26#039;permanet%26#039; tooth above it, to push it out. X%26#039;rays.. will tell them if something is up there or not. If there is a adult or %26#039;permanet%26#039; tooth there.. most likely its out of align and cant get out, something is in the way stopping it. This happens alot in people with crowded teeth.

Your dentist can tell you the reasons in which this is happening, either way. Ask him.. from that point on, he%26#039;ll give you the options you need or can take from there!
Reply:because your onlt 6 years old!
Reply:my husband is 47 and still has a few of his baby teeth.. they never havew fallen out. Might be genetics.. his mom had baby teeth she never lost either. Talk to your dentist... you may need to have them pulled so the adult teeth can come in. I had to have that done with a few of my teeth when I was about 13.
Reply:You neglected to mention a very importnat pice if information. Your age. Go back to first grade and ask in a few years.
Reply:Because you are too young..... Mine prob didnt all fall out until I was 11 or 12
Reply:The dentist might have to yank them out. That is what happened to my sis. SHe said it kinda hurt but it was okay.
Reply:Some baby teeth never do fall out, probably hereditary. Go to the dentist and have xrays to see if you have adult teeth to fill the spots.
Reply:There are several genetic conditions that would cause the baby teeth not to leave. Go and see your dentist, he/she can help you.
Reply:There could be a couple reasons.

1. Your canines maybe congenitally missing.

Is any one in your family missing those teeth, it is genetic??

A dental exam with specific xrays of those areas will show if

indeed those teeth never formed. It is quiet common but

unless you are looking for that anomaly you would never know

2. They also could be impacted inside your palate in witch case

an xray also would show that. Then your dentist will advise

you the best way to bring then down.

3. You could just have lazy canines that may need some help

by your dentist to remove them.

In what ever scenario your dentist can tell you the best was to

manage it.

Hope this helps you..
Reply:Well sunny it depends how old ya are!

family nanny

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